Press Releases
The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that Equileap has decided to include the Equal-Salary Certification as an Equileap-recognized gender audit. We are very proud of this new collaboration and…
The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that Mazars has become an audit partner for its certification. Mazars will strengthen the EQUAL- SALARY auditors’ team, alongside PwC, its privileged partner…
The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that Lidl Slovenská republika v.o.s has obtained the EQUAL-SALARY certification, symbol of excellence in terms of equal pay. After successfully passing the statistical…
The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that HUG – Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève has obtained the EQUAL-SALARY certification, symbol of excellence in terms of equal pay. After successfully passing…
The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that the City of Fribourg in Switzerland has obtained the EQUAL-SALARY certification, symbol of excellence in terms of equal pay for the 5th…
CARTIER EXTENDS ITS CERTIFICATION TO CARTIER JOAILLERIE INTERNATIONAL SAS IN FRANCE Vevey, October 29 2021 – The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that Cartier Joaillerie International SAS has…
Vevey / Dubaï, October 20 2021 – The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that Cartier SA (UAE) has obtained the EQUAL-SALARY certification, symbol of excellence in terms of equal…
Vevey / Daejeon, October 18 2021 – The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that KT&G has obtained the EQUAL-SALARY certification, symbol of excellence in terms of equal pay. After…
Vevey / Lausanne, October 1 2021 – The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that PricewaterhouseCoopers B.V. in the Netherlands has obtained the EQUAL-SALARY certification, symbol of excellence in terms…
Vevey / Lausanne, June 30 2021 – The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that RETRAITES POPULAIRES has renewed the EQUAL-SALARY certification, symbol of excellence in terms of equal pay-…
After creating EQUAL-SALARY and 16 years of passionate commitment and dedication, Véronique Goy Veenhuys leaves the operations and entrusts the Foundation’s future to a dynamic Duo. As member of the board,…
Vevey/Geneva, March 8, 2021 – The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that Cartier SA and its affiliates companies have obtained the EQUAL-SALARY certification, symbol of excellence in terms of…