Why donate to EQUAL-SALARY ?

EQUAL-SALARY is a non-for-profit foundation with global reach. We are driven by our belief that equal pay is a basic human right and that it is the first step towards true gender equality. At EQUAL-SALARY we campaign for equal pay with governments, media and companies, and develop programs and certifications to ensure equal pay becomes a reality for all.

How will my donation help ?

At EQUAL-SALARY we wish to grow our impact by developing new projects for equal pay. Your donation will enable the development of campaigns for equal pay, and in particular training and leveraging Ambassadors who wish to actively take part in promoting equal pay around the world.

Why donate now ?

Whilst equal pay is now topical in many countries, enforcing it remains at odds with the goals. The pay gap in Europe is still around 16%. Globally it is at 20%. At the current pace, equal pay will only be achieved in 257 years .(WEF 2019)

This difficult economic period is putting even further pressure on compliance of equal pay, with first countries already deferring their enforced laws. Yet we see that all over the world it is in particular women who are taking on the heavy burden of essential workers.

It is therefore of utmost urgency that companies and governments maintain focus and rigor to this achieve this important goal of gender equality. Thanks to your support, we will create a clear and sustainable change in mindsets and habits in order to reach equal pay globally as soon as possible.

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