The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that Société de la Loterie de la Suisse Romande (Loterie Romande) has obtained the EQUAL-SALARY certification, symbol of excellence in terms of equal pay. After successfully passing the statistical analysis of its salaries, Loterie Romande underwent an internal audit entrusted to PwC proving that it applied equal pay for women and men.
«The EQUAL-SALARY certification of Loterie Romande is a great satisfaction. Through its support to social action, culture, sport, education, research, heritage and environment , Loterie Romande allows the influence of equal pay to spread wider towards its beneficiary organizations. » commented Véronique Goy Veenhuys, Founder of the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation.
« Loterie Romande is convinced about the importance of equal pay benefitting to society at large, as much as it is convinced about the necessity of implementing practical measures to promote this principle. In that context, the EQUAL-SALARY certification comes as a reward for a day-to-day commitment to guarantee fair and equal compensation for work of equal value and to ensure equal opportunities. This certification represents an important milestone and enforces our process of continuous improvement. Loterie Romande thus commits to continuing its efforts in order to offer a workplace where diversity and equal opportunities are fostered. » adds Jean-Luc Moner-Banet, CEO of Loterie Romande.