Vevey/Geneva, 2 November 2023 – The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that the Henry Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue has obtained the EQUAL-SALARY certification, a symbol of excellence in terms of equal pay for all its employees in Switzerland. After successfully passing the statistical analysis of its salaries, HD Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue underwent an internal audit entrusted to PwC proving that it applied equal pay for women and men.
The EQUAL-SALARY certification is valid for 3 years, during which, the company undergoes two monitoring audits. After 3 years, the organization needs to renew the certification process with a new salary analysis and a full on-site audit.
« HD is an organization I simply admire. Their mission and actions are essential to maintaining peace in the world. Today, we can say that HD is not only concerned with peace outside its walls, but also within. By obtaining EQUAL-SALARY certification, they are taking care of their greatest resource: their employees », commented Noémie Storbeck, co-CEO of the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation.
« Fairness and trust are at the heart of what we do as a peacemaking organisation, and we wanted an independent view of how HD measures up as an employer. Fairness is a journey more than a destination. We’re happy to have this recognition but our goal is certainly not to stop here. We can always do better, and we will», added David Harland, Executive Director of HD.