Vevey / Mauritius December 9 2022 – The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is pleased to announce that Aspen Globalhas obtained the EQUAL-SALARY certification, a symbol of excellence in terms of equal pay, for all employees of Aspen Global in Mauritius. After successfully passing the statistical analysis of its salaries, Aspen Global underwent an internal audit entrusted to PwC proving that it applied equal pay for women and men.
The EQUAL-SALARY certification is valid for 3 years, during which, the company undergoes two monitoring audits. After 3 years, if the organization wants to keep its label, it needs to renew the certification process with a new salary analysis and a full on-site audit.
“ The EQUAL-SALARY Foundation is particularly pleased to welcome Aspen Global, the first Mauritian company and the first company in the Indian Ocean to obtain EQUAL-SALARY certification. Through this commitment, Aspen Global highlights the importance of equitable remuneration between men and women and gives concrete expression to the pioneering values of diversity and inclusion”, commented Lisa Rubli co-CEO of the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation.
“When our CFO, Issam Sarkis, suggested participating in this certification, it was the easiest decision I have ever made. Our leadership team and I are very proud of our non-discrimination practices and our advocacy. We lead by example, and such an award confirms a deeply held system of beliefs in our company which we have made a priority since day one. My wish is that by our example other companies will follow our lead and make equal pay and non-discrimination the way of the future, where my two young daughters will one day reap the benefits of equality in the workplace.”, added Samer Kassem, CEO of Aspen Global.