
Your Company has applied to be certified EQUAL-SALARY to ensure that it practices a policy of equal pay between men and women.

Our certification procedure begins with a statistical analysis of compensation data based on your company’s wage policy. An audit conducted by PwC or SGS completes the process. It verifies the commitment of senior management towards equal pay and the implementation of this commitment through various HR practices.

As part of the audit, a representative sample of employees is interviewed through an online questionnaire as well as individual and group interviews on the audit day.

You receive this message because you are among the employees selected to answer the questionnaire.

The questionnaire serves to evaluate how employees perceive equal pay between men and women within your company.

The selected sample, consisting of men and women in managerial and non-managerial positions in different departments, best represents the profile of your company.

Your email addresses were provided by your company on a secure platform. EQUAL-SALARY has no access to your addresses.

We fully guarantee the confidentiality of your answers and your participation is essential for a proper conduct of the EQUAL-SALARY certification procedure.

We thank you for your cooperation.

You can also visit the website dev.ergopix.com/eqsal23 for more information.